HUGE UPDATE!!! I completely remade the site. I thought I could just change sites and made it all on another html file but that didn't work??? so now I just moved all the code here instead!. CODE PRO!!! Hopefully I will soon be writing more, it's just that constumising is way too fun!.I spend so much time jsut tweaking things that now it jsut looks kind of silly!!!( by the way the template for the basics are made by @repth and then I added some stuff to have it be more me. such as the header! which sucked to make becasue it took YEARS!!! AGES!!! I am not good at this!). by the way, full disclaimer! For some part, becasue I am very new and bad at coding I have used chat gpt to see what problems I have and ask simple questions such as, "hello is it possible to move this thing here?". thought I should say, because I know many like to avoid AI completely, and I am too in art and writing and stuff agaisnt it. however since I wanted to focus on decorating and writing, which is fun! I decided to use it this time just to be able to solve bugs and stuff:)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet ex quis nisi auctor mollis. Phasellus nec nunc sit amet purus mattis sodales. Morbi lectus nunc, tincidunt dapibus sem vitae, porttitor ornare leo. Fusce elit augue, rhoncus sed finibus non, faucibus id tellus. Pellentesque nec justo ex. Praesent nec velit at mauris ultrices bibendum. Fusce fringilla, magna eu bibendum ornare, lacus sapien ornare est, egestas semper urna orci lobortis massa. Maecenas sed ultrices ex, sed cursus orci. Donec orci massa, rhoncus vitae elit sed, tempor gravida nunc. Aenean id iaculis risus, ut interdum mauris. Nunc ac rutrum justo. Praesent eleifend, nunc ac cursus vestibulum, odio nulla fringilla nisl, eu laoreet quam orci eget libero. Maecenas sollicitudin felis nunc, dignissim iaculis est iaculis ut.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer sit amet ex quis nisi auctor mollis. Phasellus nec nunc sit amet purus mattis sodales. Morbi lectus nunc, tincidunt dapibus sem vitae, porttitor ornare leo. Fusce elit augue, rhoncus sed finibus non, faucibus id tellus. Pellentesque nec justo ex. Praesent nec velit at mauris ultrices bibendum. Fusce fringilla, magna eu bibendum ornare, lacus sapien ornare est, egestas semper urna orci lobortis massa. Maecenas sed ultrices ex, sed cursus orci. Donec orci massa, rhoncus vitae elit sed, tempor gravida nunc. Aenean id iaculis risus, ut interdum mauris. Nunc ac rutrum justo. Praesent eleifend, nunc ac cursus vestibulum, odio nulla fringilla nisl, eu laoreet quam orci eget libero. Maecenas sollicitudin felis nunc, dignissim iaculis est iaculis ut.